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Showing all 4 results

Fynol 80

Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Fynol 80 is a low HLB emulsifier for Oil in water and Water in oil emulsion. It used as wetting agent, dispersing and coupling agent in various application.

Fynol AC 28

Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Fynol AC 28 is an Oil-soluble, water dispersible corrosion inhibitor. It is used as an anticorrosive additive for emulsifiable mineral oil metal working lubricants. It is a very good emulsion stabilizer; therefore large quantities of emulsifier quantities are not required.

Fynol BXB

Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Fynol BXB is low toxic triazine based biocide / preservative. It is designed for complete microbiological protection of water-based systems against bacterial and fungal spoilage in the wet state.

Fynol GO

Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Fynol GO is a glycerol monoester of oleic acid. It can be used as water in oil emulsifier, pigment dispersant, lubricant and spreading agent.

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