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Showing 6–10 of 33 results

Finalux G 101

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 101 is an excellent wetting additive for pigments/fillers/additives to be incorporated in the plastics. Suitable wetting agent for pigments & fillers in LD/LLD/PP/EVA based colour masterbatches & compounds.

Finalux G 125

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 125 is an effective hydrophilic additive for polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric & cloth.

Finalux G 140

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 140 is an excellent hydrophobic additive for polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric & cloth.

Finanox 18

Polymer Additives
Finanox 18 is a secondary antioxidant suitable for polymers.

FinaPurge 400

Polymer Additives
FinaPurge 400 is a cleansing and purging additive for plastics processing.

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