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Showing 156–160 of 161 results

Plastaid TN

Polymer Additives
Plastaid TN is a new generation multifunctional processing aid (MPA) for filler based masterbatches and compounds with suitable compliances.


Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Reprocil is synthetic thickener useful in printing of Textiles with Reactive, Disperse and Acid Dyes etc; along with gums normally used. It is compatible with all types of Gum pastes and is stable to mild alkaline and acidic condition usually present in print pastes of different colours.

Romoban Calcium Propionate

Food Ingredients
Romoban is used extensively as a mold/fungal inhibitor in Breads, Cakes, Buns, Rolls, Pizza Bases, Doughnuts and other baked goods.


Food Ingredients
Finamul 1909 is an emulsifier based on vegetable oil (Non - GMO). It is replacement of Soya lecithin in Chocolate coating and compound recipes.

Smoothex GMS

Food Ingredients
Smoothex Glyceryl Mono Stearate is a widely used emulsifier in producing high quality products like Bread, biscuits, peanut butter, chocolate, chewing gums.

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