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Showing all 4 results

Finamul DMG Range

Food Ingredients
Finamul-90 is a distilled mono diglyceride made from edible oil and finds a variety of uses in low fat & butter spreads, cakes, breads, biscuits, coffee whiteners, ice-creams and whipping creams.

Finamul SSL Range

Food Ingredients
Finamul 9770 SSL (Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate) produced from raw materials derived from vegetable origin.

Romoban Calcium Propionate

Food Ingredients
Romoban is used extensively as a mold/fungal inhibitor in Breads, Cakes, Buns, Rolls, Pizza Bases, Doughnuts and other baked goods.

Smoothex GMS

Food Ingredients
Smoothex Glyceryl Mono Stearate is a widely used emulsifier in producing high quality products like Bread, biscuits, peanut butter, chocolate, chewing gums.

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